As the holiday weekend approaches New York wedding planning extraordinaire Tara Manchanda shared her opinion on celebrating your special day over a long holiday weekend.
Upon first thought, a couple might think that having their wedding over a long weekend would be a great idea. It allows for an extra day of celebration, a built in travel day for out of town guests, or a built in thee. However, it is very important to think about all the factors of a holiday weekend before determining your wedding date.
Tide Water and Tulle, Pinterest, Katherine Sparks Photography
Domino, PoppyTalk
Some of the most popular holiday wedding dates are Memorial Day and Labor Day. These two holidays do not always have set plans around them every year, and are not religious; making them flexible dates for guests to travel. The weather New York City is wonderful around that time of year making for an excellent weekend to celebrate.
Holidays are a great way to bring families together. By setting your wedding date on a holiday weekend it is an easy way to get all your families together in one place to celebrate. But, for your friends that are not family you are risking taking them away from their families and their holiday traditions. Be prepared for a lower RSVP rate than usual. This is not always a bad thing, just something to keep in mind while planning.
Another reason couples may choose not to have a holiday weekend wedding is due to the costs. Not only for the couple planning the wedding but for guests too, holiday weekend travel costs in addition to hotel pricing is usually much more expensive than non-holiday weekends.
As there are many things to consider when deciding your wedding date, our advise is to find a date that is special and works well for you and your fiancé and go from there. The people who are closest to you, like your close friends and will usually always find a way to be there, no matter what. If you have decided on a holiday weekend for the big day be sure to send your Save the Dates and Invitations out with more advanced notice than usual to allow your guests to make arrangements and travel plans.