As you start to plan your rehearsal dinner there are many questions you might have. It is the event that kicks off the weekend! The wedding planning team at Tara M. Events is here to answer all your questions
Wedding by Tara M. Events in New York City
Who Should Be Invited and How Should I Invite Them?
This is your wedding; you can invite whoever you want! Keep it small, you have your wedding to invite everyone you know. This is a great time for your families mingle and get to know each other. Remember that the purpose of this event is to rehearse the ceremony, so be sure to invite your wedding party and their dates, any readers or ushers for the ceremony, along with your parents and siblings. This is a much more casual event than your wedding, and your invitations can be casual too. Keep them low budget, sending an email, making an evite, or calling your guests are all appropriate ways to invite your guests.
What Goes on During a Rehearsal Dinner?
It is important to remember that the purpose of this dinner, is about the actual rehearsal itself. Make sure to set aside 45 minutes to an hour to practice at your ceremony venue so that your bridal party is aware of exactly what they will be doing. Once you get to dinner the fun can start! Use this time to make friendly reminders to your guests about the wedding. Let them know what time the bridal party needs to be ready in the morning, and where everyone is meeting. In addition to this take this time to say thank you to your closest friends and family for coming out to celebrate you this weekend, and for all their hard work they have put in during this planning stages. Many of your guests, since it’s your closest friends, may want to get up and give a speech. Let the host start the speeches, and then spontaneously guests will get up and start sharing their favorite stories about the company.
Who is supposed to Host (and pay…) ?
Traditionally the bride’s family hosts the wedding event, ceremony and reception, leaving the rehearsal dinner to be hosted by the groom’s family. In todays world, anything goes! The couple may want to plan and host the event themselves, or the in-laws may want to share the responsibilities of hosting. Have an open and honest conversation about who wants to host this event.
Where Should We Have it?
If possible try to have the actual rehearsal at the ceremony venue, that way there is no confusion during the ceremony because you have practiced. As for where the rehearsal dinner should be planned, there are many different options. This celebration can be much more casual than your wedding reception. Make it fun, and relatable to the couple along with your closest friends and family. If you want, pick a theme, make it a backyard barbecue, host it at your favorite restaurant in town, the possibilities are endless. A great venue is always a restaurant. By having your dinner at a restaurant takes away all the stress about setting up and cleaning; the staff will handle it all.
Do not go to the extreme and let this night overshadow your wedding, but have fun planning it, and attending it! This is one of the first events to kick off your special weekend, sit back, relax and enjoy it!